Monday, November 22, 2010

Jon and Kate plus 8

Jon and Kate plus 8 adalah reality show tentang keluarga yang mempunyai 2 anak kembar dan 6 anak kembar. Yang membuat show ini unik adalah keberadaan 6 anak kembar tersebut. Tadinya setelah Jon dan kate mempunyai dua anak kembar mereka memutuskan untuk menambah satu anak lagi ternyata setelah di cek di dalam perut kate ada 6  bayi. Selama 9 bulan kate membawa 6 bayi ini bersamanya kapanpun ia pergi. Setelah 9 bulan anak-anak ini lahir dengan sehat dan normal.Sekarang 6 anak kembar ini sudah berumur 6 tahun. Tetapi sayang kedua orang tua mereka berpisah dan nama acaranya berubah menjadi Kate Plus 8. Nama kedelapan anak mereka dimulai dari yang paling tua :
Cara Nicole,Madelyn Kate (8 October 2000)
Alexis Faith , Hannah Joy, Aaden Jonathan, Collin Thomas,Leah Hope, Joel Kevin.( 10 May 2004)



Sunday, November 21, 2010

Silly Bandz

silly bandz adalah gelang karet yang memiliki bentuk yang lucu-lucu dan juga warna yang bermacam - macam. keunikan dari gelang ini adalh ketika kita pakai gelang ini akan menyesuaikan dengan tangan kita dan ketika kita lepaskan bantuknya akan kembali seperti semula. Silly bandz pertama kali keluar di america di sana hampir semua anak-anak dan remaja memakainya karena bentuknya yang sangat lucu. tetapi sekarang silly bandz sudah mulai tersebar di beberapa negara termasuk Indonesia.

Lea Michele

Lea michele lahir pada tanggal 29 agustus,1986. Dia sejak kecil sudah sudah sering bermain di pertunjukan Broadway dan beberapa filmpun sudah di bintanginya.Tetapi namanya baru melesat pada saat ia membintangi serial glee. dia berperan sebagai rachel berry yang sangat bawel tetapi memiliki suara yang sangat indah. Sekarang lea michele sudah membintangi banyak iklan dan semakin di kenal oleh banyak orang dari seluruh belahan dunia dan dia juga mendapat beberapa award.

                                                              Lea Michele as Rachel Berry

Monday, November 15, 2010


Ballet is a formalized kind of performance dance, which originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century, and which was further developed in France, England, and Russia as a concert dance form. The early portions preceded the invention of the proscenium stage and were presented in large chambers with most of the audience seated on tiers or galleries on three sides of the dancing floor. It has since become a highly technical form of dance with its own vocabulary. It is primarily performed with the accompaniment of classical music and has been influential as a form of dance globally. Ballet has been taught in ballet schools around the world, which use their own cultures and societies to inform the art. Ballet dance works (ballets) are choreographed and performed by trained artists, include mime and acting, and are set to music (usually orchestral but occasionally vocal). It is a poised style of dance that incorporates the foundational techniques for many other dance forms.
This genre of dance is very hard to master and requires much practice. It is best known in the form of Late Romantic Ballet or Ballet Blanc, which preoccupies itself with the female dancer to the exclusion of almost all else, focusing on pointe work, flowing, precise acrobatic movements, and often presenting the dancers in the conventional short white French tutu. Later developments include expressionist ballet, Neoclassical ballet, and elements of Modern dance.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Figure skating is an Olympic sport in which individuals, pairs, or groups perform spins, jumps, footwork and other intricate and challenging moves on the ice. Figure skaters compete at various levels from beginner up to the Olympic level (senior), and at local, national, and international competitions. The International Skating Union (ISU) regulates international figure skating judging and competitions. Figure skating is an official event in the Winter Olympic Games. In languages other than English, figure skating is usually referred to by a name that translates as "artistic skating".
Major international competitions are sanctioned by the ISU. These include the Winter Olympic Games, the World Championships, the World Junior Figure Skating Championships, the European Figure Skating Championships, the Four Continents Figure Skating Championships, and the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating.
The sport is also associated with show-business. Major competitions generally include exhibitions at the end in which the top-placing skaters perform for the crowd by showing off their various skills. Many skaters, both during and after their competitive careers, also skate in ice skating exhibitions or shows which run during the competitive season and the off-season.



Singing is the act of producing musical sounds with the voice, and augments regular speech by the use of both tonality and rhythm. A person who sings is called a singer or vocalist. Singers perform music known as songs that can either be sung a cappella (without accompaniment) or accompanied by musicians and instruments ranging from a single instrumentalist to a full symphony orchestra or big band. Singing is often done in a group of other musicians, such as in a choir of singers with different voice ranges, or in an ensemble with instrumentalists, such as a rock group or baroque ensemble. Nearly anyone who can speak can sing, since in many respects singing is a form of sustained speech.

Singing can be informal and done for pleasure; for example, singing in the shower or karaoke; or it can be very formal, as in the case of singing during a religious ritual such as a Mass or professional singing typically done on stage or in a recording studio. Singing at a high amateur or professional level usually requires instruction, and regular practice.[1] Professional singers usually build their careers around one specific musical genre, such as Classical or rock, and they typically take voice training provided by a voice teacher or vocal coach throughout their career.

source : From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Rhema Marvanne was born September 15, 2002. Her Father is Teton Marvanne and Mother is Wendi Marvanne. She was born at Trinity Hospital in Carrollton, TX. She was carried to term but was still very small. Rhema weighted 4.11 lbs and had to stay in the NICU for 3 weeks before she was taken home. 

Rhema Marvanne is seven years old and she, loves her father and her dog Mojo. They attend Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX. Rhema was baptized on October 18, 2009 after accepting Christ as her Savior.

Rhema began singing the same time she began talking. It was less than a year ago Rhema recorded her first song, Amazing Grace and quickly became an Internet singing sensation. She takes tremendous inspiration from her mother, Wendi Marvanne Voraritskul, who sadly lost her battle with ovarian cancer in 2008. It is Rhema's greatest hope to make her mother proud, both as a singer and as a servant of God, which is why she also performs for at churches, non-profit organizations, charities, hospitals and special events.

Rhema recently appeared on the Maury Polvich show highlighting the most talented kids, she was on International News via Supreme Master TV – Global Satellite which is shown in 44 countries in 60 languages and aired on June 16th every 6 hours for different time zones, she recorded in Nashville with Gary Chapman, she created her very first music video, her songs are sold on Itunes, as well as through her website. She recently recorded The Prayer with Terry White and musicians from the Nashville Symphony and is currently working on her Christmas Album. Recently Rhema played her first role in Machine Gun Preacher a multi-million dollar film set to release Fall 2011 (a Lionsgate Film) as well as her appearances on Daystar and TBN.

During her free time Rhema enjoys playing with her friends, playing outside, playing with dolls and watching movies.
The best way to describe Rhema is that she has a beautiful heart and soul. She is sweet, kind, caring and most importantly pure in heart.
Most people who have dealt with or is currently dealing with cancer, disease, challenges, etc…..sees hope and inspiration in Rhema. The little girl who should have been scared or harmed by seeing her mother suffer and gone, is strong and perfect.
I see Rhema as a cancer survivor. She gives me hope for goodness in mankind. God gave her a beautiful heart and the voice of an angel. Most people that hear her sing can not deny that God does speak through a child. Her voice touches people’s hearts.

Written by Teton, her Father

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